Dependence, Independence and Interdependence Namaste, One of the fundamental principles of Bhartiya shiksha is that children develop ‘viveka,’ or sense of discrimination over a period of time and for it to develop appropriately they need guidance and support from parents, teachers and other adults in...Read More
Education to connect Namaste Vyavahara and Paramartha are an integral part of Bharathiya Samskiriti. We see God element in everything around us. In our traditions, in our actions, there is always a connection to God. The following verse from the ancient text of Brahma Samhita...Read More
Ganit Namaste, उतादकम्यत्पवद नि बुदेर धि षि तम्सतुरषेण संखाः |वकस कृ तस तदेकबीजमवकमीशम्ग णि तम्च वने || This is the first shloka from Bhaskaracharya’s 2nd part of Siddhanta Shiromani known as “Bija Ganita“, wherein Bhaskaracharya is praying to Ganit. In traditional India it was our...Read More
Namaste, In the 4th canto of Bhagavata Purana, there is the story of Daksha Prajapati. Once there was a great sacrifice taking place and all important devatas and brahmanas had gathered there. When the effulgent Daksha entered the sacrificial arena, the entire assembly was illuminated....Read More
Namaste, In today’s day and age where our markets force us to jump brands and not stay long with one, where our education teaches us to skim the subject and not go deep, where our virtual social presence makes us be someone who we are...Read More