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Teacher Training



Vidyakshetra glimpses 2023-24

Words from Parents

  • Love is the first step towards education where the teacher loves the students. Once this is in place they start respecting all the instructions/suggestions from the teacher and naturally develop their discipline. In Vidyakshetra, you can see the teachers show abundant love to their wards. Another aspect in Vidyakshetra is a lot of time is spent on basics of whatever the children learn (lessons) and more time is spent in practical aspects to strengthen the learning. Last but not the least, each student makes his/her notes for each lesson in a unique way. This helps them in revising as well. Vidyakshetra gives importance to arts and physical activities such as yoga, Kallaripayyttu, Kreeda, Krishi etc.

    Parent of SriKrishnan & Srinidhi, students @ Vidyakshetra from its inception.
  • It’s been a year since the association, we are delighted to say our kids are learning and living the right path. We see them respect and learn the local language better than before. They are enjoying other subjects as well, since none are limited within 4 walls.

    We could see kreeda and construction work has given them confidence to try new things. In recent time they both climbed single pole ladder and different trees in our hometown which they wouldn’t do it by themselves before. We are really happy to share that kids enjoy the mud and is no more called as dirt.Overall as parents we feel Vidyakshetra holistic education will carve them to be better human beings who will choose to live a sustainable and meaningful life.As part of parents involvement in community work, it’s given us a platform to gain our confidence on work involving physical strength and endurance. Not just that building and doing work for the community has given us more satisfaction and understanding the base of sustainable living.


    Parent of Hetanshi & Benah, students @ Vidyakshetra since 2021

Words from Teachers

  • I love being an acharya at VidyaKshetra. There is uniqueness in two main ingredients of teaching – the curriculum and the pedagogy. The curriculum is made age centric and connected to real life. The pedagogy is very experiential with blocks of deep dive into specific subjects, allowing them to soak things in a better way. It is inspiring to be a part of nation building process, helping students to explore their potential to the fullest.

    Manu Tayal
    High School Math & Science teacher @Vidyakshetra
  • I always have a great experience teaching children but in vidyakshetra it has opened new doors as I have all the freedom to think out of the box. Here, I can truly teach the students to be creative. I am happy to say that the children experience the music not in the books but within themselves and in nature. 

    Raghunandan Bhat
    Hindustani Vocal teacher

Words from Visitors

  • Every child deserves to grow up in a rich and vibrant environment amidst people who live a life driven by higher ideals and purpose. The child soaks in such an environment to experience and absorb the fragrance of the rich knowledge and cultural heritage of the land, discover its own strengths, purpose, and divinity within. In the current times, where the presence and availability of such an environment seems impossible, and where ‘education’ inevitably subjects tender minds to mindless, burdensome and at times purposeless rat- race, Vidyakshetra silently stands out offering a refreshing and idyllic alternative. For its sincere and brave endeavours, where enough churning of thoughts about life, culture and education have gone into evolving wholesome education, Vidyakshetra deserves all support and encouragement. 

    Vallish Herur
    Educationist & founder, Prayoga Institute for Education Research
  • Vidyakshetra is a labor of love, knowledge and wisdom. Muneetji is a visionary educationist the nation should hear more from.

    Raghava Krishna
    Educationist, Founder & CEO - Brhat
  • The amazing new age Vidyakshetra Gurukula has filled me with hope for the future. I hope this Gurukula becomes a model for thousands across the country.

    Sahana Singh
    Author of Revisiting the educational Heritage of India