Focuses on physical development of the child. Natural living environment in the for form pure air to breath and water to drink; pure and natural food to eat; healthy daily, weekly and annual rhythms of life.
Nourishing and balancing the 5 types of airs in the body which takes care of the entire body including nervous, respiratory, digestive, reproductive and circulatory systems. Developing good habits. This happens through yoga which includes pranayama.
Addressing the feeling realm; understanding relationships with family, friends, society, country, world and nature. Developing skills for listening and empathy; balance between sympathies and antipathies.
Developing intelligence. Seeing interconnectedness and interdependence. Capability to analyze and synthesize scientific, economics, philosophic principles and will be able to see and appreciate the integrated view. Excellent decision making and discrimination skills to choose correct against convenient. Understanding universal principles and living by them.
Seeking the Truth and realising it. Seeking true lasting happiness. Living out of spiritual impulse. The state of wholeness, of integration with the moment and with yourself, encompasses the inner sheath of anandamaya. When anandamaya is peeled away, we reach atman – our very centre.
Vritti, or the career path that an individual chooses becomes an important part of one’s life. It should not be guided by chance, freak examination results, peer pressure or based on what is trending. The choice of career path should depend on the inherent desire and skills of the child, or his unique talent or life purpose.
A tree that has developed deep roots can withstand strong winds, is not just self-reliant but also provides for others in form of nectarine fruits, a house to many-a-birds, shade to a weary traveler and much more! On the contrary tree that had opportunity to only develop few shallow roots might struggle for its existence and might live in fear of one gusty storm! We want all our children to develop strong roots! We aim to achieve it in 4 stages:
Our curriculum & pedagogy is designed to nurture the Kriya shakti, Iccha shakti and Gyan Shakti of the child.
We strive to develop the intellect of a child such that he is able to distinguish & develop the courage & encourage to choose the ‘correct’ over the ‘convenient’.
Our curriculum & pedagogy is designed to nurture the Kriya shakti, Iccha shakti and Gyan Shakti of the child.
We strive to develop the intellect of a child such that he is able to distinguish & develop the courage & encourage to choose the ‘correct’ over the ‘convenient’.