Sample – donation page

Be the light in the journey of true education

Be the light in the journey of true education

Your donation supports us

in reviving the traditional Gurukul education system in Bharat.
Thereby fostering the glory, knowledge, strength, prosperity, sustainable living, relationships and our rich cultural heritage.


Your donation supports us

in reviving the traditional Gurukul education system in Bharat.
Thereby fostering the glory, knowledge, strength, prosperity, sustainable living, relationships and our rich cultural heritage.


Vidyakshetra is a registered trust with 12A and 80G certification from IT department

Our 3 Key Principles




As per Sanatan Dharma, Anna (food), Aushadhi (medicine) and Vidya (education) was never sold.
When sold, education is contaminated with greed. A contaminated education cannot give birth to sustainable future, which we want to see in our children. We want to impart education in its purity to children and thereby enable them to become knowledge seekers. 

The second principle is that we don’t charge fees. This is to provide possibility of this type of education for children from all walks of life. Thanks to this principle today we have children from city, towns & villages; parents who are weavers, teachers, farmers, IT professionals, small, medium and big businessmen etc.

The third principle is that of “trust”. We trust in the goodness of people & society and have been running the Gurukulam since 2016 on daan and dakshina, where parents give Guru dakshina to the best of their ability and the gap is filled by collecting daana from friends and well wishers of Vidyakshetra.

Our 3 Key Principles


As per Sanatan Dharma, Anna (food), Aushadhi (medicine) and Vidya (education) was never sold.
When sold, education is contaminated with greed. A contaminated education cannot give birth to sustainable future, which we want to see in our children. We want to impart education in its purity to children and thereby enable them to become knowledge seekers. 


The second principle is that we don’t charge fees. This is to provide possibility of this type of education for children from all walks of life. Thanks to this principle today we have children from city, towns & villages; parents who are weavers, teachers, farmers, IT professionals, small, medium and big businessmen etc.


The third principle is that of “trust”. We trust in the goodness of people & society and have been running the Gurukulam since 2016 on daan and dakshina, where parents give Guru dakshina to the best of their ability and the gap is filled by collecting daana from friends and well wishers of Vidyakshetra.